Robert Greene is the author of six New York Times bestselling books—The 48 Laws of Power (over 2 million copies sold in the US), The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law (co-written with 50Cent), Mastery, and The Laws of Human Nature.
His books teach readers how to navigate stressful power situations, how to understand the people they deal with on a much higher level, how to maximize their skillsets and creativity, and how to become superior strategists in life. Since the publication of his first book, Greene has also worked as a consultant to individuals and companies in need of strategic advice. The list of global clients includes musicians, professional athletes and coaches, actors, film directors and agents, entrepreneurs, and business and political leaders. Greene has also served on the Board of directors of a publicly traded company, American Apparel.
Greene has a BA in Classics (ancient Greek and Latin) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He speaks several foreign languages and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.