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Ryan Holiday: New Book!

What's the right thing to do?   The highly anticipated third installment of Ryan Holiday's Cardinal Stoic Virtues Series is almost here. In his latest book, Right Thing, Right Now, Ryan focuses on justice;…
June 6, 2024

The AI Evolution: Embrace Change

Reimagine Your Business in an AI-First World   “The feedback from the audience was through the roof, with a lot of people saying Brian was our best speaker ever. He’s…
May 2, 2024

Wake Up Your Audience and Electrify Your Event

High-Energy, High-Impact: Scott Stratten & Laura Gassner Otting   Known for their powerful business messages and storytelling abilities, Laura Gassner Otting and Scott Stratten are energetic and spirited personalities on stage. Laura Gassner Otting, Bestselling…
April 25, 2024

They said WHAT about Jesse Itzler?!

Wait...what did they say?   Walking off stage after every speech dripping sweat, Jesse speaks from the heart and with a passion that is unmatched. Regularly booked multiple times by the same…
April 18, 2024

Public Speaking: Pro Tips for Non-Pros

Public speaking can be a daunting task, especially for those who aren't accustomed to being in the spotlight. For years, it has been among people's biggest fears. Whether you're presenting…
January 30, 2024